Kua kimi koe i!
Te Tirotiro Taiao
Me huri tātou ki ngā kōrero tuku iho i waihotia e ō tātou tūpuna. He mātauranga tawhito, he kurahuna, he akoranga kei roto. Ka kōrero mō ngā haerenga, ngā hononga, me ngā herenga. He momo mahere ngā kōrero tuku iho me ngā tai o te ao. He tauira mō te oranga tonutanga ki te whenua hou o Aotearoa.
NGOHE 1: Mahere Pepeha
Mā te kaiako tētahi mahere ā-rohe e tohatoha, mā te kaiako anō hoki e kōrero mō te pepeha o te rohe. Kia 20 meneti ki ia ākonga ki te tautohu ki te mahere ā-rohe i ngā...
NGOHE 2: Whakatau ana
Kia 20 meneti ki ia ākonga ki te rangahau i te pepeha o te rohe. Me tautohu e ngā ākonga ki tā rātou mahere ngā…
Waka e hono ana ki te rohe me ngā tauranga o ēnei waka
Ngā pā
Ngā marae.

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